Positive Equitation
Making Horsemanship Fun

Online Coaching
Why online coaching?
Online coaching is a great way to access coaches and experts who you wouldn’t normally be able to work with.
It allows you to focus on the issue or problem you want to improve without having the horse with you, which enables a more objective and thought out approach; you are planning, not reacting.
You don’t need to travel, or have someone travel to you (often incurring extra costs), so it is perfect for horses or situations when travel is unwise or impossible.
How does it work?
Choose what you would like to work on with your coach, and make a video showing the issue (6-8 minutes is plenty).
Upload the video to the internet – there are many websites that will let you do this – and send a link to your coach.
Arrange a coaching call at a mutually convenient time.
You coach will watch and assess the video, then discuss it with you during your coaching call. Coaching calls last 45 minutes and are carried out on Zoom to allow screen sharing as required.
Take your new understanding and knowledge back to your training with your horse, and watch things change!
What can my coach help me with?
Judith at Positive Equitation can help with any aspect of horse handling, from catching to mounting – and anything in between! Loading, foot handling, confidence building, fears and phobias, and of course anything to do with Horse Agility!
How much does it cost?
Online coaching with Judith Edel costs £35 per session (10% discount available if you book a bundle of three calls).
Contact us to chat about your requirements or book a coaching call.